A few words about

What We Do

WiMAC's Strategic Vision

WiMAC – a key resource forthe sustainable developmentof the maritime sector.

WiMAC's Mission

To foster the development and participation of women in the maritime sector and contribute to the growth of the industry within the region through:

Benefits of Membership

Best practices

Best practices in global maritime sector development and up to date industry standards and procedures to guide regulatory and commercial shipping development in the Caribbean.

Global network

A global network of associations of women in maritime, and inclusion in thought-leadership and decision-making on enhancing gender equality for all women in maritime.


Mentorship, volunteerism, and other strategic opportunities
to lead social research, training and other development work with girls and women to enhance women’s participation in the sector.

Networking opportunities

Networking opportunities
with regional and global maritime, gender, shipping, trade, environmental protection and other sector professionals.

Knowledge resources

Knowledge resources
on the global shipping and the port sector for evidence-based programming and policies as well as on gender equality and gender mainstreaming for the regional maritime sector.

Reliable information

Reliable information on career and professional development opportunities
from the IMO, other global partners and regional and international academic institutions

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes